Meet your next best hire

Exclusively Featuring and Interviewing Real Estate Leaders In the Job Marketplace to Land Their Next Venture. Hear directly from your next best hire through their voice and perspective.

Produced in collaboration with Multifamily Media Network


What does it take to climb the real estate ladder from maintenance engineer to Chief Operating Officer? Carlyle Swafford has done just that, and his journey is a masterclass in leadership, perseverance, and people-first management. Carlyle's unique perspective on mastering each role, coupled with his ability to connect with people at every level, has defined his remarkable career in property management. In this episode.

Carlyle shares how mentorship, trust, and networking have shaped his professional growth. He offers invaluable insights into evolving leadership styles, emphasizing why "trust and inspire" is the new "command and control." Whether you're looking to advance your career or become a more effective leader, Carlyle’s wisdom will leave you inspired to take action.